Front-end Store Operation Team

So, what will you find when you join the Nigeria largest chain of Hypermarket stores?
The chance to impact the community you live and work in, to innovate for the next generation of customers, and to build a career doing what you love.

Check-Out Points

Shop Floor

Fresh Department Front-end

Fresh Department Production Team
@foreach($jobs as $job) @if($job->job_type != $job_type) @if($job_type != 0)


Job Position
{{$job->job_title}} @if($job->job_id != '') (Job ID : {{$job->job_id}}) @endif
@if($job->job_department != '')
@endif @if($job->specifications != '')
Job Specifications
@endif @if($job->qualification != '')
@endif @if($job->work_ex != '')
Desired Work Experience
@endif @if($job->skills != '')
Desired Skills
@if(++$count % 2 == 0)
@endif @endforeach



Apply for the job



@endif {{Form::open(array("url"=>"job-submit", "method"=>"POST", "class" => "job_form cc_form", "files"=>"true" ))}}


{{Form::close()}} @endif